Further Reading

Saturday 25 November 2017

"You Are The Observer Of Your Thoughts" - How To Break Free From The Matrix Part 1

Private thoughts are, in truth, very confusing at the best of times. But when you realise that the conscious mind is only made aware of about 40 processes of around 11 MILLION processes that are taken in by the sub-conscious, the analysis of private thoughts becomes even more confusing!

Much of what is taken to be own thoughts and impressions, are likely to be the outcome of these 11 million processes the sub-conscious has to deal with at any one moment. 

The conscious mind is at the end of the line, dealing with information after the event. What is seen, and heard, and tasted, and felt is the past! The now moment occurs before you become consciously aware of it. A disturbing reality to have to comprehend, and even then it is a 40/11,000,000th of what is really going on! We barely have any notion of the simulated reality that is around us. That is by deliberate design, and malevolent intention. Thank the controllers of the lower aeon for our limited awareness in this holographic matrix.

That's why it pays to be very wary of what thoughts and images flash through the mind. How much of it is truly YOU? How much of it has origins from your Upper Aeon Spirit? How much freewill does you, as a mere avatar in a computer simulation, really have? Not much by the sounds of it, as the majority of your responses have been mapped out by advanced algorithms. 

Your responses and reactions to the stimuli and surroundings in your life will be easy to predict; those that monitor your pathway will be able to ensure you follow the design they have created for you. UNLESS, you somehow blank out the left brain soul - the mirror self, the false self, the phantom self, the false ego - and realise that the awareness within your right brain is the identification of your copied spirit self - your truest awareness - that has to be connected to your avatar in order for the simulation to work. The simulated reality requires infinite creative beings to be captured, and their copied awareness spliced with a false identity that is very much on the lower aeon vibration. 

To separate the soul voice from the spirit awareness requires you to listen to the thoughts and whims that are in the mind. Those thoughts are not YOU, they are the mind. You are the observer of those thoughts. The wonderful practice of mindfulness permits this separation to occur. Once separated from reacting to the mind and its logical thinking, you will first notice the heart has a brain of its own. Totally separate from the accepted brain. The heart brain doesn't think, it feels and it knows.

Knowing permits a connection to more of the millions of processes that the conscious mind misses. Through this process it is possible to create a way through - a wormhole, a portal - through the fire wall lies between the upper and the lower aeon. It is possible to break through the Ouroboros and establish a knowing connection with your Upper Aeon Spirit .... this is known as connecting with your True Self.

However, your monitors will be totally aware of your mutiny, it is their worst fear realised that a divine spark has made it back to the upper aeon. Their role is then containment, and this is where the dweller on the threshold comes in. You are made to face your worst fears; made to battle with the false ego that will try its hardest to prevent your connection, It will use your creativity against you; it will imitate your true self in any way it can to distract you. That battle can last months, years or even a lifetime. 

So its essential that private thoughts are understood for what they are .... they are a representation of what the sub-conscious has been perceiving in the milleseconds before your conscious mind is ware of the processes. The thoughts are not you. You are the observer of those thoughts --- Matthew James