Further Reading

Wednesday 13 December 2017

A Domino Effect

So this world of apparent physical reality is an illusion. A persistent one. So our daily lives are nothing more than make believe that has programmed to feel real. And we are stolen consciousness trapped within an advanced computer within a distorted copy of the real world. So we have a being called Sophia to thank for this delusion.

And our bodies, and our lives, and our apparent physical existence are owned by 'The Demiurge Corporation' ... and administrators for that corporation have been instructed to tighten the noose still tighter with their clever algorithms. So we have that to contend with ....

It is possible to enjoy our time within this illusion. Accept its an illusion and everything that goes on in here is an experience to have. Your experiences are accumulated memories of a false soul, nothing more. Meaningless adventures within a software game. Adventures that barely trouble your true self - your high aeon soul. If it is even aware of your toils and troubles within here.

Once you go beyond the surveillance, and the paranoia of the psychotic nut jobs that have been put in positions of power within this apparent realm, you can see plainly there is no need to let your false soul be recycled into another phantom self. Being aware of this illusion makes your time within these holographic fibres that much sweeter. That much more rewarding.

So the apparent world around you is in chaos and in disarray. Know that is exactly what the corporation desires, for it literally hates the real world. It literally hates creation and wishes to destroy, destroy, destroy. Having trapped infinite awareness here it has a point to prove. Being aware of its malice within every aspect of this hologram permits an apparent human to read the signs. To play the game correctly ... and change its perception to put a spanner in the works of the algorithmic programs. By doing things that are not written into those algorithms for the phantom self which is you. For everyone within here has pathways and outcomes which are anticipated ... by not undertaking the anticipated steps, an apparent human can really bring the wheels of the corporation wagon to a grinding halt. Enough apparent humans doing things unexpected and the software will develop a bug. A problem. A virus to fight a virus. A domino effect. Just saying - Matthew James