Further Reading

Thursday 14 December 2017

A Dying Simulation

We are connected into an apparent reality owned in its absolute entirety by 'The Demiurge Corporation'. Every megapixel of the scene around you is bound into that ownership. When you look out into the reality, at your apparent body, you are gazing at something that is very much an asset of that corporation. Your body is not owned by you, it is rented out by the corporation.

This is the strange phenomena we have been taught from an early age as 'being your life'. The one and only chance to live in a totally accidental existence. Basically it is a con.

This, as has been stated many times, is nothing but a simulated reality. One which you are not actually IN ... you are connected to it as a virtual reality. Your now is all there is. Your focus as the observer. Everything taking place ... is a simulation. Your owned body of empty atoms ... is merely a clever mass of sound frequencies which appear to be a solid mass. When you go to 'sleep' ... your body ceases to exist, because your focus is taken away from the sounds needed to give it apparent reality. The same can be said of everything outside of where you are now, and what your see right now.

We are getting distracted. We have many things to discuss in these posts. The Demiurge Corporation has even laid down a life plan, or blueprint for you. Its what you supposedly agree too prior to being recycled again. You are leading a life, playing a role. which might have been experienced a thousand times (If it is listed in the favourites list of lives). Your algorithms are not unique to YOU. It is a programmed path. An artificial intelligence. Your false self and your lower aeon soul are not YOU. They are computer simulations. A programmed path. A path the corporation has you following like a rat in a maze. You are playing a life, exerting your infinite awareness energy into this holographic reality.

You like all the others doing the same ... are providing energy to a dying simulation. A simulation devoid of creative energy. Your participation in this simulation is keeping it alive. Hence the main reason for the recycling of your soul. More on this later - Matthew James