Further Reading

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Karma, Cause & Effect In The Matrix

Waking Times: Karma is a term that has been used by many civilisations to explain or rationalise, in the of simplest terms, the notion of, “what you reap, so shall ye sow.”

Closely related to this concept is the idea of Samsara, which has often been described as the entrapment and perpetual, entropic cycle of endless rebirth and death. Spiritual Evolution is the singular reason why any Soul incarnates as a Human, or as any of the other various forms within the physical universe, but, it’s the Law of Cause and Effect at work in relation to spiritual evolution which impacts us far more than Karma.

The two, Karma and the Law of Cause and Effect, are not mutually exclusive, but perhaps an alternate understanding of these concepts and processes will cast a new light....read more>>>...