Further Reading

Friday 1 December 2017

Reincarnation and Karma are a Con - 'How To Escape The Matrix' Part 3

Traditional 'New Age' indoctrination has it we are on this earth plane to 'evolve' and 'grow' through the much cliched recycling known as 'reincarnation' due to accumulation of karma and the repayment of karmic debts. It is a age old believe system that has created a false perception.

Who is the captain of the 'karma and reincarnation' ship? Does any of the believers of karma and reincarnation actually know?

We're not disputing that karma and reincarnation exist. They do. As part of the computer software programming of this thought form existence. If you have the perception that you reincarnate and working off karma, then that is what you will do. 'For the good of the soul' ... but is it a requirement of your Higher Aeon Spirit? Or a prison sentence for your Lower Aspect Soul?

Let us clear the misconception here. Yes we are Spirit and we have a Soul. But the two are NOT the same. The Soul, or Lower Aeon Soul, is part of a fake identity. A false self that has been created for you by the administrators of this computer simulated reality. A reality which is a distorted copy of the real world. These administrators need players of this grande game to keep returning. Thus they captained a ship that basically involves the recycling of copied infinite awareness ... reincarnation. The myth was invented that souls enter this world and have to pay for their sins. A pseudo-myth was then concocted, and then denied, and that was reincarnation. We say denied, as the representatives of the administrators within the game, scientists, are programmed to deny reincarnation exists. It is all there deliberately to add to the confusion.

When the false self, in the form of a human being dies, it enters areas of other dimensions, that are carbon copies of the formless realms of the real world. It fools the ex-humans, who are none the wiser into believing the halls of reincarnation are what happens next. The review of life etc, described by people with NDE experiences are part and parcel of the algorithms programmed to occur, to fool people into being recycled.

Now, in none of this does your Higher Aeon Spirit become involved. In all of this you are still the false self, or Soul. Your Spirit isn't connected to any of this process. Basically, your Spirit does NOT need the recycling or karma processes ... the two processes do not exist in the real world. They are clever inventions by agents of the Demiurge to keep your copied essence within the Lower Aeon realms.

Once you make a connection with your Higher Aeon Spirit, the trickery of the Demiurge, to affect your perceptions, and fall for the recycling con, cease to have an impact on your awareness. Once you link to the True Self ... then the game is up for the administrators of the game. You will no longer fall for the diversions that occur when your participation in this simulated reality ends - Matthew James