Further Reading

Tuesday 19 December 2017

The Benefits Of Singing

Copyright Matthew James
Daily Om: Singing is an act of vibration. It takes music from the realm of the unformed-- whether that is in your mind or from that magical space of inspiration--and moves it from within to without. From the first breath singing moves the energy in a circular way inside your body.

As the breath fills your lungs, it brushes against the second and third chakras--the centres of creation and honouring self and others. Instead of merely exhaling, pushing the air past the fourth and fifth chakras where heart chakra and the centre of will and intention reside, singing engages both the heart and mind. Sound vibrations from vocal chords resonate in the sinus cavities, filling the head with motion and sound while the brain lights up with the processing of the mathematics of music. 

This marriage of activities brings the third eye into play and opens the door for inspiration from the crown chakra before sending the sound out into the world.
Once the vibration begins, it is sustained with each note, moving throughout your body and the space around you. This can help you to harmonise your frequency with the world and with the divine. The use of the voice can bring about catharsis, a cleansing from the expression of emotion, which is why we feel better after singing certain types of songs...read more>>>...