Further Reading

Monday 18 December 2017

The Journey To Another World?

The sub-conscious is capable of a great many things. It is an incredible library of knowledge; of stimuli and of memories. It is often the creator of the back cloth of dream scenarios. Most of these scenarios contain obvious symbolism, which is a great giveaway that it is a sub-conscious generated landscape, and is attempts to put into a 5-sensory language what is is trying to say with its symbols.

When a 'dream' is experienced where there is 'waking day mind chatter' and no giveaway sub-conscious generated language, it is, in our opinion, something more than a dream. Because there are multiple dimensions, and the ability of our infinite awareness to visit ANYWHERE in existence, a so called dream scenario that has been conjured by pre-planned dream control, is more than likely not a dream, but is instead an dimensional journey.

One such journey took place during the early hours last night. The sequence involved a journey on a form of ultra high speed underground transport to an underground city. There was waking day chatter at the destination. There was also a sequence of intense boredom, being confined to a room within a dwelling and not being able to go anywhere. The sequence entailed shouting 'I hate this planet' during this part of the experience. There was then the opportunity to venture outside onto the surface of this planet. Clearly NOT Earth but another planet. The detail of the scenery on the surface of this world was incredible. The awe at being on a different world was intense during the walk around.

The sequence involved getting lost in the ruins of a city with many canals and waterways. There was a heavy smog in the air. An inhabitant was somehow communicated with via a piece of fabric with strange writings in an unknown language on it. The inhabitant explained they knew where the necessary destination was, that they knew who was the owner of the premises and pointed in a direction to the right that led the journey across a wharf with misty waterways on either side.

At some point further on, there was evidence of a city being rebuilt after some major destruction. A stone mason was at work nearby, with what appeared to be sandstone being crafted into some kind of ornate pillars.

The sequence faded upon waking back on the Earth plane with the 'dream sequence' in the conscious mind very much like a 'recent experience' you'd recall during the waking hours.

The details and nature of the sequence was not a typical dream sequence. It was too real and precise. The memories the sub-conscious had drawn upon to create the sequence suggests an actual other world reality that is in the collective memory banks somewhere. Or else it was an actual journey made by a formless consciousness into another form on another world.