Further Reading

Tuesday 12 December 2017

The Spirit Mind

This illusory world of apparent physical existence relies on the control of human perceptions through fear, routine and denial of self expression. Somewhere in recent programming upgrades, the administrators of the holographic computer introduced algorithms that resulted in the genetic modification of the apparent human form. The most significant of these modifications was the separation of the apparent brain into two distinctive hemispheres.

There was no way to completely eradicate the traits that are associated with the right brain - in doing so it wasn't possible to keep the connected infinite awareness contained within the program. It was no good having just 'souls' in the physical awareness. The intention was always to have copied high aeon spirits present in the program.

The left brain was the 'new wonder' of the programming. The new upgrade created a hive mind and a segment that could constantly transmit fear and survival requirements into the mind of the apparent physical form. The means of control and dominion had been created. Systematic overloading of the mind subdued the self expression and self awareness that the right hand brain possessed as part of the remaining traits of the high aeon spirit. However it was found that it has not been possible to totally eradicate the creative expression and individuality of the apparent human being. This can only be done by totally removing all aspects of the spirit from the form. Thus a totally left hand brain controlled apparent awareness has soul, but no spirit.

By focusing on creative expression and creative pursuits, and drawing upon the positive vibrations created by these natural pleasures, the effects of the left hand brain can be overridden. In theory the onset of all, and any, fear can be prevented by being immersed in creativity. Indeed, by taking the awareness still further .... the power of the imagination has been chastised by the left brain ruled society in this apparent reality. Its importance has been denied and its pursuits are being discouraged more and more to ensure the fear factor is the strongest control of the apparent human mind. Imagination is the gate way to the spirit and to the true self. Along this avenue, the illusion of apparent human incarnation can be dispelled .... the right brain is the spirit mind - Matthew James