Further Reading

Friday 8 December 2017

Under The Dominion Of The False Self

None of them are going anywhere. But they think they are. Their false ego tells them they are going somewhere. But in truth, none of the spiritual trails laid down within the Lower Aeon really go anywhere. They are designed to give the appearance of truth, and enlightenment, and understanding. But in reality, they are not going to do anything. They are under the dominion of the False Self. 

Life times are spent adopting the 'rules' of the spiritual myths created within the lower aeon. Yes, they contain an essence of the real world - the upper aeon - but just a tiny sampler. Like the dangled carrot. 

Observation of the droves of psychic mediums proves one thing ... they all appear the same. They speak the same. They act the same. They are all carbon copies of each other. Quoting the phrases and the terminology of the lower aeon myths. They have a falseness about them .... as none of them permit each other to be unique and creative. For that makes someone different to the crowd .... and that means the pack animals will squash anyone who dares to be different. Through jealousy, envy, greed ... none of the traits associated with a true self, but traits that are synonymous with the false ego and the lower aeon. 

No they are not going anywhere. They tell themselves and others they have arrived. But in terms of true spirituality ... they don't have it, and they haven't arrived.

Eventually a few will make the realisation that the myths are in truth myths. That the trails laid down are illusions, and those few will see through the hall of mirrors and head for the exit door. This only happens to those who transcend the False Self and arrive at the door of the Upper Aeon Spirit. These few are the ones who don't identify themselves with the adopted lower aeon soul, but associate themselves with the selfless I am I ... the eternal awareness ... the True Self.

When that happens, the rule book changes ... and profound effects start taking place. The race is over, and the desires to be adored, and the wants, just cease. The illusion becomes a shattered mirror ... and the real communications begin.

From observations over many years, the majority of the self-proclaimed 'psychic mediums' and 'spiritual teachers' are still lost on the lower aeon mythical trails, trapped in the clap trap theories that come with these trails. Quoting parrot fashion all the adopted beliefs without question because everyone is ... they still cannot think for themselves! And probably never will!!!