Further Reading

Wednesday 31 January 2018

'An Interview With Matthew James'

It's nearly time to let you in on the fantastic interview we had with renowned Medium Matthew James. He was the first Medium to choose the description 'renowned' and very soon numerous other Mediums chose to use the word 'renowned' (Coincidence?). 

'MJ', as he points out is a one of his nicknames,  recently talked to us in great depth about his life as a visionary and mediator (He strongly dislikes the term medium and prefers the ancient term 'mediator' instead). 

We met with him in his reading room deep in the heart of 'the old country'. He returned to the UK after an absence of 15 years, in April 2017, and has already re-established himself in 'Albion Magic' as he calls it. One interesting thing he pointed out, early on in the interview, was the fact that here in the Northern Hemisphere energy is raised in a clockwise direction; circles are opened in the same direction too. However, in the Southern Hemisphere, everything is the other way round. After decades of raising energy, commencing at 12 o'clock and moving round to 6 o'clock and back round to 12 o'clock, he found it weird doing it the other way round. We didn't know that. Even water goes down the plug hole in the opposite direction to here, apparently. 

Anyway, MJ met with us in this reading room, amid shelves of crystals, occult books, incense, and dozens of decks of Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards - the most intriguing fact being he has several sets of his own oracle cards, The Light Of Truth Oracle Cards. Amazing cards, amazing artwork, amazing talent as he devised everything himself - the concept, the artwork, the meanings - everything. 

He presented us with his really old guard of cards; cards which are now really faded and worn; very dog-eared. He tells us the decks are over 30 years old and have helped him to divinate for well over 100,000 'readings' in their time. Amazing! He comes across as very 'ordinary' with no special clothes or manner, until he opens up and starts talking about the occult and divination. Then his blue eyes seem to light up and go a much lighter shade of blue than they were before. He becomes very intense and serious. His demeanour becomes something else ... and what he revealed was incredible ....

After everything that has happened to him since his first 'reading' in 1981, he has become quite a private person; rarely sharing his innermost knowledge to anyone. We found ourselves there are concentric circles of information he reveals. The more he trusts, the more he reveals. He let us know that he went totally to ground in the last years of being in Australia, due to copycats stealing his ideas and taking the credit for his own hard earned methods and knowledge. In the end he decided enough was enough. He no longer posts his 'inimitable works' on social media. He limits what he reveals. So we were very surprised when he agreed to these interviews with us.

Next up, part one of the transcripts from 'An Interview With Matthew James' ....