Further Reading

Friday 12 January 2018

Busting Open The Chemtrail Denial Subterfuge

Waking Times: As we swing into the New Year, many are going to be feeling more than a little impatient that the perpetrators of the toxic air-born emissions which create engineered clouds over vast areas of our skies, still remain largely anonymous.

Anonymous by name, but no doubt to be found within the ranks of military industrial proponents and psychopathic secret society hegemons: those who hide behind the 1991 Hughes Aircraft atmospheric aerosol patent. The patent that formalized an engineering technique which alters the climate and sickens the planetary population with its debilitating fall-out.

There is a red line test that almost instantly reveals people’s awareness about these, and related, military activities. Just put the question “What do you think about 9/11? And how do you feel about chemtrails?” You might be surprised to find that those who you consider reasonably intelligent and quite thoughtful individuals, appear to be neither when asked to think about these two actualities.

This response to the first question would be quite typical “It’s obvious, 9/11 was an al-Qaeda mission led by bin Laden. There’s nothing suspicious about it.” And on chemtrails “They don’t exist”.

What one runs into when confronted with such an unquestioning response, creates a genuine human dilemma. Where can one turn if fellow human beings are unwilling to examine, in any detail, incriminating evidence that stands behind such crime’s against humanity? ...read more>>>...