Further Reading

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Its All Simulation

It's an interesting notion that when you disconnect from the 'apparent' physical body you were connected to within this simulated world, you enter 'the world of spirit'. If only it was as simple as that!

It isn't. The likelihood of escaping the simulation just because time has been called on the artificial human, you are observing the artificial world through, is highly unlikely. Very unlikely in fact. The next level of the simulation has more than likely been created to be a 'simulated spirit world' only. It will not be the real thing. It is a copy of the real thing, just like everything in this simulated reality is a quantum computer copy of the real world.

On leaving this level of the simulation, you do NOT become Upper Aeon Spirit. You become a copy of the recorded version only. The real you, The Observer of these experiences, must come to terms with the deception being spun by the Demiurge Corporation. Once within the simulated spirit world it will be only too easy to fall for the deception and become recycled once more ... back onto simulated earth as another aspect of your artificial soul ... a collection of fake experiences that are written into deceiving metaphysics as spirit evolution!

The truth of your real nature is certainly much more than this deception we have all been dragged into. The levels beyond this simulated dimension will seem wondrous and real, when you are in them, but they are only further simulations within an advanced Quantum Computer based on memories and experiences that have been programmed into them.

Effectively the simulated reality and dimensions are likely to be in existence within the server of an advanced computer which is more than likely situated somewhere within 'computer buildings' within the real world ... or within another fake reality beyond this one. We are likely to be trapped within a fake reality within the server of a computer on the real world ... our connection to the upper aeon or 'real world' still exists ... and it is this connection that enables us to become our True Selves.

Our True Selves are likely to be in a life that bears no resemblance to the characterisations we take on board within these fake realities. The truth of the story bears no resemblance to the myths being taught by the new age doctrines. There is no need to reincarnate. There is no spiritual evolution by being within this fake reality.

Most of you will debunk, and refuse to consider, this alternative notion of reality. It's not easy to comprehend, or even accept, the possibility of this alternative theory. We have really no way of knowing if it is right, or if it is wrong, in our present state of limited awareness. We are only ever likely to know more of the truth, once we return to the state of awareness/consciousness which is our Higher Aeon Spirit (True Self). Then, and only then, can we confront the human experience.