Further Reading

Monday 15 January 2018

The Demon of Regrets and Missed Opportunities

Ever been in the situation where your mind plays scenes over and over in your head? Not the pleasant things that you've experienced in life ... but those moments where you looked the gift horse in the mouth?

Situations that you have since lived to regret, because you didn't take the choice that your mind implores you should have taken. Even if those events took place decades before?

Ever spend time constantly thinking about your mistakes, regretting the choices you've made? Quite often these thoughts appear like a persistent mind voice, from out of nowhere, and are difficult to quieten once they start. The thinking is negatively polarised and can be a painful experience to go through. You come out of those moments feeling emotionally drained, and somewhat downbeat. It's almost as if those thoughts - that voice - has a intelligence of its own, and has a purpose behind setting these moments onto you.

The 'voice' appears to know what your weaknesses are, and will emphasize your role in those missed opportunities. Especially if it was easier to take the opportunity, than not. The internal confrontation can commence at any time, in any place, and seems to have one purpose - to belittle you, and whittle down your resolve. After all, the past is the past, and these events happened such a long time ago. Your path from them to now has been trodden, and those events now can't be changed.

Perhaps, the 'owner' of the 'voice is mocking you ... as if there was so kind of internal influence to prevent you from making those opportunities? Especially the missed opportunities, where you went against your character at the time, and went off in a direction that even surprised you. Maybe you'd been somehow influenced into missing important opportunities in your life at those times ... not that you can do anything about it now. Except learn how to switch those thoughts off, or not let them effect you like they do ....