Further Reading

Thursday 4 January 2018

The Perfect Concealment

There's certainly so much confusion out there. There is a 'hidden hand' and a major '1% agenda'. That is a certainty. But that's really where the obvious ends and the fake/false/what's real dimension begins. So much is out there via the world web. Truths among deliberate lies and downright deceptions. Much of the conspiracy 'fool's gold' has been created by the 1% themselves to further spin the minds of the world.

Its all apparently complex and impossible to discern.

That's the idea. Its the perfect concealment. To hide something, the best place is definitely to put it where it is least expected - in plain view. And that is what is being done. But what's the REAL TRUTH that is in plain view?

The truth is PERCEPTION and how perception creates reality. Put a myriad of confusing theories on the world ... on the afterlife ... on the reaping of mankind; the awakening of mankind. Whatever it is ... it matters not. Create FEAR and bingo you begin to affect mankind's perceptions. Then you push those perceptions along avenues of thought patterns ... and very soon mankind is creating the very reality it fears. The very reality it was pushed into perceiving.

Subconscious thoughts are where the reality is being made. Get enough humans to think the same thoughts and then pow ... collectively their thoughts create actions ... and a reality is 'folded' into being by those thoughts.

So it matters not what is on the internet, and what is believed about The Elite or Agenda 21 or the effects of WIFI or chemtrails. What you are perceiving about these things is making a very fear-ridden reality. That is the real truth.

The apparent reality is a collection of thought forms brought into being by sub-conscious thinking. The majority of the time we haven't a clue just what our sub-conscious is thinking or doing. We favour the myth that we have freewill and free thnking. How can that be when our conscious mind responds to what the sub-conscious instructs it to think?

To avoid this occurrence the needs is to transcend the sub-conscious and connect with the deepest states of being ... to the levels of thoughts associated with the True Self and the true nature of life. These zones are not readily accessible without many realisations and understandings of just what is going on.

It's important not to be over-run with fear or panic as to what the 1% are planning or are alleged to be doing. Remember we are all holograms of the greater collective. It is possible to access even the most secretive of secrets that the 1% are hiding from everyone. This is possible because they are as part of you as you are part of them, and one facility that we all possess is telepathy and direct connection to all the other parts of the greater collective. Its just knowing where to look.

No mean feat. But it can be achieved. Having just returned from several decades exploring 'the hive mind', and bearing the consequences at times ... those secretive thoughts are well guarded with not very pleasant other thoughts around them. But, to summarise those projections quickly ... there is actual truth in the public arena which is scaring the living daylights out of the 1%. Its not supposed to be there, and they can't get rid of it. They are very insecure and scary mortals these 1% and are poised ready for the bigger discoveries that they know are coming.

Having experienced a series of recurring direct transmissions, directly into my conscious mind which took over all awareness whilst the transmissions, like movie projection, played again and again. I know personally what they DO have planned for us. Direct transmissions that will instruct you exactly what to think and how to act. There is no control over their entry and exit in your mind. Having also survived one of these direct transmissions, that involved a savage wild dog jumping onto my shoulders and causing me to scream the place down ... I know what they are capable of. That is truth, not fable. They do have technology which can be used; is being used and is planned to be implemented more and more ...

But there is just SOMETHING they know is going to happen that will effectively defeat them. Changing our perceptions is causing disarray, as they do know so many humans are waking up to the realisation  that the Pied Piper has been leading them on a merry dance. So it is happening ... we need to keep creating more perceptions that lead us from the dark night into that new dawn. It is possible.