Further Reading

Monday 1 January 2018

Why Aren't Consumers Made Aware Of Electromagnetic Pollution?

Waking Times: Pollution! It’s a trendy but gloomy word designating something most people try to avoid contributing to, but not many folks realize what causes it and how it affects them.

Humans and technology are the primary contributors to ALL pollution, either inadvertently or deliberately. Manufacturing processes; obtaining raw materials and resources (mining and forest destruction, etc.); and technological ‘advances’ – more often than not – are the major contributors along with vehicular exhausts and ever-increasing road traffic.

However, the above pollution listing is not complete! Missing are:

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs); Microwave Radiofrequencies (RFs); Non-thermal Radiation; and Solar Radiation Management (SRM), aka “chemtrails” or weather geoengineering

Only one—SRM—of the above four pollution sources is visible to humans, if only we will look up from our cell or iPhones to see what’s happening in the skies above our heads.

The other three are invisible to the naked human eye, but not to human physiology and other living organisms, including plant life!

Even though the human eye cannot see electromagnetic frequencies in most cases, they certainly exist; can be ‘seen’ using certain monitoring equipment specifically built to measure them [1-2]—so they are proven to be there! However and though unseen, their presence in the atmosphere is real, all-pervading and contribute to the sea of electromagnetic frequencies we constantly are being bombarded with – or, as some would say, mildly ‘electrocuted’ by! ....read more>>>...