Further Reading

Monday 5 February 2018

A New Addition to the Name & Shame Hall of Fame?

It's been a while since we've received reports of something of sufficient magnitude to qualify for coverage in our Name & Shame (Bad Psychic) section. It takes something highly significant to be added ...

... but there has been a development in the last week that has come to our attention, which may well warrant a feature in our 'Name & Shame Hall Of Fame'  ... we feature only the worst of the worst in this feature.

We can't for legal reasons actually publish the name of the psychic ... but we can tell the background story of the situation, sufficiently enough so that our 20K plus world wide weekly visitors get a good idea who the individual is ... and what manipulative & disgusting deeds they have been up to ...

We are gathering more information on a really shamed psychic at the moment ..... we will keep you posted.