Further Reading

Thursday 29 March 2018

The Ring Of Blue Fire

Black hexes, and other such negative intentions, are 90% certain of being 'returned back to sender' if the intended victim is surrounded by one or more rings of blue flame.

The ring of blue fire has been found, over the last thirty so years, to be the ultimate hex distraction barrier. As the hexing energy cannot penetrate the laser beam blue fire  ... so it has only one place to go, and that's back to the sender.

The blue flame doesn't actually dissolve the hexing energy ... it acts like a mirror.

Whatever spell that is contained within the black hex, or negative intention, will also be returned to the sender. It means they are likely to become blighted with what they directed at their intended victim.

It is a simple principle ... don't black hex someone who has an advanced magical awareness, or one greater than your own, because they might just be using an impenetrable form of protection. Don't assume that everyone uses the cliched 'white light of protection' .... there are far more effective forms of protection that don't appear on web sites. The blue fire is one such advanced technique. A very effective one, and one that is most certainly never taught in Intensive Mediumship Training (IMT) courses. 

The best principle of all, is to be as truly spiritual as you make out, and NOT hex at all.... otherwise you never know when your own black hex might return and bite you in the bum.