Further Reading

Thursday 22 March 2018

Time To Be Your True Self

Is it better to be unique and alone? Or is it better to be false and conform? That is one of the biggest decisions we have to make in life. Its always a toss up between exploring The True Self and being The False Ego. 

Family, friends, work and human rules more often than not make the decision for us. We accept that by conforming we don't bring attention on ourselves. We blend into the crowd, effectively for an easier life.

But that's wrong. Where is the uniqueness of The True Self in a life where you are effectively a clone of everyone else, just because you don't wish to bring attention to yourself? Why be a copy cat and follow the other sheep ... which in the long run is a miserable existence? When you can be the goat, or at least the black sheep, right from the start. By doing it that way, people learn to accept you are different from everyone else, but that is you. You may be termed 'oddball' or 'eccentric' or 'strange' ... but its only words and opinions by others who haven't a clue about originality.

There are so few people out there who are true to themselves; or are their spirit incarnated. It is a difficult path, but one that is the intention of everyone one of us when we step off the higher planes and enter this apparent physical reality. Sadly around 90% fail to live up to that intention. A little bit like making a New Year's resolution at 11.59pm and not keeping to it by 12.01am!! And those that do are generally treated harshly by the 90% and either give up the idea or return back to the other worlds prematurely.

Its time that more of us took the deep breath and became their True Self ....