Further Reading

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Magick Journal - Facial Recognition in Full Flow

I was already late, due to an over-run, for my  12 noon billing. Thus I had no time to prepare, or call for any pre-show connections. I walked into the show room and introduced myself, whilst looking around at the 100+ expectant faces.

I needn't have worried. After little prompting my connections began thanks to something I call 'facial recognition' ... no cold readings here. No asking questions. I was straight in with connections and strong messages. Not just 'they are here to say hello'.

And the accuracy. Except one person I gave wrong information to, until I looked directly opposite to a lady with the same glasses and the same colour of hair. My facial recognition had been confused between the two ... but it was sorted easily.

It went so quickly that I'd overrun by ten or so minutes. The audience didn't seem to care. I apologised for not being able to get round everyone. I left to the sound of rapturous applause. I was promptly followed by a large section of the audience ... for an impromptu question time.

It was a very satisfying demonstration. Note to self: explain in a blog post exactly what Facial Recognition is ....