Further Reading

Friday 27 April 2018

Medical Intuitives? No - Beware Copycats On Dangerous Ground

Every 'man and his dog' "Psychic Medium" is claiming to be a MEDICAL INTUITIVE these days. It is a very worrying trend, especially as the majority haven't a clue what that label entails. They think it hip and trendy to be like all the other sheep, or show pony, in the psychic arena, to call themselves something which they are unlikely not.

A Medical Intuitive has to be almost an exact science, and it is not something for guessers, wannabes or charlatans to band as part of their repertoire. There is too much risk to the wellbeing and sanity of those who are drawn to them as clients. Get it wrong and there can, and will be fatal consequences.

IT IS NOT A GAME ... it is not something to use as a label unless you really understand the mechanism of being a Medical Intuitive. It is a very serious undertaking. The copycats have ambushed another unique aspect of someone's repertoire they all wish to be, but have not the experiences, the understanding or the natural gifts, to imitate. It began with one rather jealous and mercenary 'psychic' and then it opened the floodgates. One of the latest users of the Medical Intuitive label is completely inept as a psychic and is seriously nowhere near ready to sit publically, sadly there are many others.

Medical Intuition, is in our opinion, part of the shamanic package. You have to be gifted with a successful soul retrieval and have the shapeshifting ability to be able to become your client. You MUST KNOW YOUR OWN ACHES, PAINS & MENTAL WELLBEING before you engage in any working with a client. You then must open yourself to feeling exactly as your client feels; you must effectively become the client. This means you must be psychologically strong enough to absorb another person's pains and conditions.

You have then to be able to describe 100% accurately your client's problems and provide medical insights into their conditions. You must possess a grasp of issues .. and possess a sound and non-judgemental mind to offer solutions. It cannot be your ego talking ... it MUST be your SPIRIT that makes these connections.

How can the ego-driven idiots that have stolen a label ever be able to become at one with their client. and undertake the responsibility ego free?

Matthew James has numerous clients where he has effectively SAVED their life due to an accurate & precise diagnosis ... he's also prevented a number of un-necessary operations, and has had numerous clients obtain a correct diagnosis, as a second opinion, from a medical practitioner thanks to his own medical intuition assessment.

It is not a game ... its not for the sheep to use as an advertising banner just because its hip and trendy. They are on dangerous ground ... and should stick to their card reading and pretend psychic mediumship. With the ego in control. it will only ever be pretend. ...