Further Reading

Friday 6 April 2018

'Seekers Of Identity and Meaning

Gazing across the Great Sea towards the direction of the mysterious triad, He can no longer feel like ‘human’ … he is not allowed to be sad. His awareness must transcend … so being of the highest aspect will never end. He crosses the sand, then ceases movement, for seeing sand is a human explanation

Now in a great empty space he stands, and thoughts of the lesser human are gone …Above I am I, which is now him, the mystery of Ain Soph Aur … and ‘The Eternal Light’ I am I lifts its awareness to the moment something isn’t then is ...the miraculous creation of existing by a single thought … and knows why A stream of thoughts from beyond eternal light, travellers far from the upper aeons gracing the blueprint of life as infinite divine sparks, thoughts of life. I am I watches as the sparks glimmer and glitter … and disappear as they cross the sea

And then the chaos ceases, and he stands in a cube completely of white with no down or up, left or right. It suits him to think no form, here he is simply being retaining memories of soul existence merely as a reference point. Carefully lifting the veils of forgetting … remembering memories of spirit becoming more now what is beyond I am I. Gossamer threads of thoughts brush against his being and telepathy awakens … and he remembers existing within the one. A collective of many expressed as but one being safe there in collective sharing and thinking and knowing . A being which had lost its identity and lost its meaning willing many to separate and venture outwards to find identity and meaning. Thus the universes and the worlds were born as those separate found spaces where their thoughts took form and through that they began to think of identity and meaning worlds and galaxies shaped then as servitors sent forth to find those answers All that is, was and could be experienced by further fragments of the separated. All clones of the originals, all seeking identity and meaning …

His thoughts now drifting, colliding, confusing, merging. He stands on a world and above him a mighty rainbow, behind him a powerful cascade; a woman rides a mighty white horse. Thoughts colliding still … as he stands on a trail cut into red soil and then he remembers the world on which his separation connects. He recalls his own quest for identity and meaning. He returns back into that form ….

Copyright Matthew James 2018