Further Reading

Monday 2 April 2018

'That' Moroccan Photograph

Using The Servants of The Light tarot To Analyse 'That' Moroccan Photograph

This is the infamous photograph that clearly looks like Madeleine McCann, but when the Media Cloud Making Machine got hold of it, we were led on a merry trail by the Pied Piper, to a village where they just happened to locate a look-a-like, who did not look like the girl in the photo whatsoever.

The media spin was so obviously fraudulent and a false trail ...

Now, over 10 years later, this Daily Merlin Insight's intention is to see if there is anything that can shed a light on why, who, where etc?

We start by trying to determine the identity of the girl in the photo, was it Madeleine or not?

The first image, The GIVER OF SPHERES, depicts a definite 'duality' with the situation. The card's image has two identical figures it's the background. It either depicts that the media cloud maker wanted us to believe the story and accept the poor lookalike story, or there was much more to it ... the child in the image was a twin (Or even a clone) of Madeleine McCann. Which is part of the intuitive cover up.

The TEN OF STAVES, is the second chosen image and depicts a figure held prisoner in a wooden cage made of the ten staves. The Ten of Staves is equivalent to The 10 of Wands which can  represent the completion of a cycle of phase, and suggests the reaping of a reward after investing a lot of hard work and effort in a situation. Thus this photograph was intentional, as was its confusion. It had been planned as some kind of 'message' to certain parties, but not necessarily for the general public. Thus it has to be smoke screened by the cloud making machine. 

The PRIME OF STAVES (Ace of Wands) is a depiction of an ancient tree being. A primal force of nature/the earth. A unicorn and a bee are in the background of the image; two symbols used with these cards to intuit government and magical/secret society. Both seen in some way as the primal forces behind this situation. Powers that be behind the entire mystery.

THE TOWER & 10 OF WEAPONS are the final images ... and these imply a total contradiction to the public opinion/implied opinion at the time that Madeleine McCann had been killed. Because of the incredible effort and planning behind the whole media cloud making machinery, the appearance of the Tower suggests that the McCanns were deliberately put into the situation as involuntary crisis actors and made to be the fall guys/patsies in an elaborate plot. 

We must conclude the possibility this WAS Madeleine McCann ... and there is likely to be some kind of sophisticated IVF/cloning process involved in her conception ... and the process is a priceless asset to the shadow families and their spider's web.  ,