Further Reading

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Health experts say ALL sausage and bacon products cause diseases like cancer… is that really true?

Natural News: The new cancer guidelines laid out by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) have put bacon, sausage and other meaty treats on blast, declaring that there is no “safe” amount of these favorite foods.

But is it really the meat that’s to blame — or is it the chemicals and other additives Big Food throws in the mix that makes meat so toxic?

WCRF states that processed meats, in particular, raise cancer risk. Dr Giota Mitou, WRCF director of research, said in a recent statement, “The best advice is not to eat processed meat. The risk does increase with consumption.”

The WCRF also adds that when it comes to processed meats, “no level of intake can confidently be associated with a lack of risk of bowel cancer.” But you might argue that processed meats aren’t even really food — at least compared to what a real rack of bacon or fresh, homemade sausage are like anyways. The idea that the vacuum-sealed, sodium nitrite-laden, mass-produced composite meats you buy at the supermarket are in any way the same as grass-fed meats seasoned with care at home is really quite laughable.

While moderation is essential, the blanket banning of all things bacon is once again putting the onus on people instead of the real culprits — the food industry that’s been polluting the food supply with toxic additives for decades....read more>>>...