Further Reading

Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Custodians of the Ynys Wydryn Wyrd

Custodian of the Ynys Wydryn Wyrd - copyright Matthew James
The Wyrd survived that fateful day. It rested safely in the minds and the memories of the chosen four. Unbeknown to the clergy of that age, it had been foretold the lake would be drained, and a great sadness would fall upon the land.

Powerful eyes foresaw the need to protect the wyrd. No parchment would be safe, no charms would hide that secret from the evil that was purging the lands of the threats to its rise.

Thus, from an early age, these four were chosen and taught the ways of the ancients; taught the ways of the true magic of the land; told the true history of Albion; shown how to conceal the wyrd within their minds.

And on that fateful day, as planned, these four innocents were able to slip silently away. Never to be found by witchfynder general or mercenary. They were able to live their lives far away. Passing forth the knowledge and the power of the wyrd to children of their own. Who in turn did the same. So through generations the wyrd passed onward. Alive. A glowing incandescence of truth concealed from the church that control the lands once known as Albion.

And to this day The Wyrd remains concealed. The current custodians awakening now to the truth. And, aye, there are many. Not four. But numerous minds now have The Wyrd within them. Awaiting the time that The Wyrd decides to awaken once more. But ne'er again shall Avalon be here on earth; but a glade just much more powerful shall become known in years to come. For it was foretold back then, it would be so. Just when the darkness was all but complete; and the light almost extinguished forever, The Wyrd will open the gates once more to what was back then ... and the power shall return ... it will be so. - copyright Matthew James