Further Reading

Thursday 17 May 2018

Tied to the Past

It's not really worth dwelling on the past. We all do it to a lesser or greater degree. Its part of the human conditioning, and its impossible to avoid it.
It's not really worth dwelling on the past. We all do it to a lesser or greater degree. Its part of the human conditioning, and its impossible to avoid it. We are tied to what has gone before, and have it written into our 'now thoughts'. No wonder past dwelling becomes a reality in our future.

Its good to remember major events from the past; to acknowledge notable deaths, but it keeps us tied to what has already happened. It influences what we are writing into our life path in the now.

We all dwell on past mistakes; past regrets. We all remember good times from our past. We all have photographs and pictures. They are the worst thing to anchor us to the past. We are surrounded by images that are reminders of the past. Most of us are oblivious of the effect this has on our sub-conscious. It sees all the images of the past; it receives wavelength vibrations of that which has gone before. And it writes that into our perceptions. Look around wherever you are sitting right now ... if you are indoors. How many photographs do you have? Calendars? Paintings? All are reminders of the past, and they tie you to the past.

Objects are just the same. Many us have sentimental possessions scattered around our homes. Ornaments, jewellery, CD's etc. That are linked to events, people and memories from our past. It is impossible not to live as a human being without these links. They sadly tie us into a future where all these ties and prompts keeps us conditioned human. Which makes it essentially very difficult to be in the now. Unless you exist in a room or home that has no ties or prompts whatsoever. No TV, no computer or phone or photographs or books or purchases from shops .... its impossible.

You have to be mindful of these prompts and merely observe them without their vibration creating the thoughts that make you link to the past. You have to be able to observe these objects with an empty mind. Then you are truly in the now. Then your higher aspirations can begin to form ... can begin to change your perceptions and thus project forward a future that has limited ties to the past. This then enables new life paths and new ways of thinking. ....