Further Reading

Sunday 27 May 2018

'Today's Avalon Sojourn'

So yes, it was good to be back. My only complaint - I didn't have enough time to relax and to contemplate. It was a whistle stop tour. I wandered to the summit of The Tor (As I always do). 

It was sad to share the summit terrace with so many people; including a chanting choir, which spoiled the experience for me.

I managed to find old, forgotten, vantage points to take digital images. Last time at these vantage points, it was an OM10 camera with film, and a limited budget didn't permit a freeflow of photos being developed. That was then, this is now .... and an array of Tor images now adorn my hard drive, put in the Photograph Catalogue file 'Glastonbury' along with the digital images from 2 years ago.   

What was pleasing was the fact the the White Spring pool etc was open today. I was able to head in and wash myself in the white water spring (Calcium rich). Last time I ventured to the White Water Spring building was in the late 90's and it was a cafe. It was one of the locations where strange things happened to me. Today it was awesome to get into dark crypt which houses the white water pool ... sadly no photography was allowed.

I even had time to wander through the Chalice Well Garden; collect some red spring water (Iron rich) and capture a number of images of the Chalice Well itself. When I first arrived, a rather strange lady was undertaking some dousing/energy testing of the well, and I was unable to capture any satisfactory images of the well. I persisted and managed a few satisfactory images.

I sit now, in my sacred space, with a Llewellyn track 'Heart Chakra' playing through my headphones; its now 'The Rabbit and The Moon' by Runestone. I am immersed in heavy incense smoke ... 'Green Man' purchased from Starchild in The Glastonbury Experience. A traditional purchase for me are the awesome Starchild incense blends. 

I wasn't anticipating the profound or the inexplicable in Glastonbury today, as there was too many people, and I have a different headspace to the 1990's when it was all happening to me. There was one developing synchronicity on The Tor; similar minded people were standing there with me. I didn't have time to converse with them (A gentleman with a camera who followed me up The Tor and was taking the same shots as me; was one) ... so I didn't let that profound connection form. Maybe next time ...

I have however to let me mind successfully transcend time; work on the familiar within me and let the Avalonian Energy change my current perceptions. Its a big ask. But all I can do is give it a go ....