Further Reading

Monday, 14 May 2018

We Are Much Greater Than This

Original Artwork by Matthew James
We spend our lives firmly crammed in the human being bubble, relying on the limited awareness of the five senses to paint an accurate picture of the reality around us. Most of us actually miss out on 'living' as it is a 'survival existence' at best.

We are taught from an early age that 'life is precious'; 'there is only one life'; 'make it count, as this is your only chance'. That may be true for the human manikin that does the 'programmed responses according to its quantum computer blueprint'; it also may be the case for the evolving AI soul that is written into the left brain of the human manikin.

We are programmed to obey the creator ... god .... and we are brainwashed into accepting our place in the universe - our place is the human bubble we are stuck in. Anyone question why? Anyone else realising the enormous lie that is in our faces every day? It's all a grand deception ...

We are NOT the human manikin that we observe doing the day to day grind. We are NOT the AI soul that is obsessed with survival and the human evolvement. We are something entirely different ... something much more powerful than we can realise with our limited five senses ...

Have you ever questioned the myths of ascended masters, spirit guides, angels and other supernatural beings? How convenient that they are out there to help us! Ever wondered what their true nature is? They are more than likely part of the software ... Artificial Intelligence ... programmed to deceive and keep seekers away from the real truth. Those that buy into the myths (And there are MILLIONS being conned by this fake paradigm) are being sold a deception to mislead them from what is in plain sight. The myths are major deceptions ... these AI beings will no more lead you to true ascension, true awakening, the true nature of the universe ... than a plastic bag or a bent piece of cutlery! 

We are beyond all of this. Our true nature belongs beyond the limitations of the five senses and the reinforced brainwashing we hear ever day, and have heard since we were children. This is not the real earth, it is a pirate copy that has been devised as some form of augmented reality/holographic reality ... to not teach us, but to use us to study infinite consciousness and the essence of spirit. The beings that put us under the microscope are spiritless ... are craving to be infinite consciousness ... and they are using us to try to create Infinite Consciousness for themselves, so they can escape the pirate copy world and travel into the real world/earth/reality that exists outside of here .... the reality that surrounds us when we see the blackness of space. It is black because our five senses cannot comprehend what they are seeing ....

We are much greater than the beings that control us and tether us. They use mind control and deception to trap us in the human bubbles ... its time to burst the bubbles and see what lies beyond ...