Further Reading

Friday, 11 May 2018

Worse than sugar: Artificial sweeteners alter metabolic processes at the cellular level making you fat and sick

Worse than sugar: Artificial sweeteners alter metabolic processes at the cellular level making you fat and sick
S.O.T.T: If you're still holding out hope that science will eventually prove artificial sweeteners to be beneficial, or at the very least harmless, you're likely to be disappointed. Again and again, research shows no-calorie sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose cause the same problems as excess sugar, and then some.

Over the years, an ever-growing number of studies have shown artificial sweeteners raise your risk of both obesity and Type 2 diabetes - perhaps even to a greater degree than sugar does. Most recently, animal research2,3 presented at the annual Experimental Biology conference in San Diego again confirmed that artificial sweeteners raise your risk of obesity and diabetes.

The study, which explored how different sweeteners affect the way food is used and stored in the body, and how they affect vascular functioning, found both sugar and artificial sweeteners result in impairments, albeit through different pathways....read more>>>...