Further Reading

Saturday 16 June 2018

A Deeper Muse

I Just an awareness that things are not really as good as you remember them to be. There is always an anticlimax when you get do to something, or see something, or taste something you haven't in many years.

What the brain remembers and what you get are two totally different things.

So why do we regret? Why do we long for something only to be disappointed when it comes back?

There was the end of an episode of 'Ancient Aliens' on tonight, and it was talking about the discovery of the DNA strands in the 1960's and the realisation that our genetic imprint is programmed by the power of 3. There was then a sequence which showed many of the ancient artifacts (Like the pyramids of Giza), and various iconic buildings around the world, that had a significant part of its structure with THREE key parts evident. Images of ancient gods and deity that showed THREE personas in the image. A reference to the number THREE kept reoccurring and its link to the 3 strands of the DNA.

I had the realisation that the sacred geometry and representation of these structures and iconic images was a deliberate reference to the DNA. Even more so there are THREE DNA strands because this is the THIRD dimension. One strand is for 1D, the second strand is for 2D and the third for 3D. If we were in the 4th dimension there would be a fourth strand.

Earlier today I was thinking about our identifiable consciousness being downloaded into the server of the computer that runs this virtual reality. With everything within the bounds of this VR being copied from the real deal ... a pirate copy at that ... I mused that our consciousness here is a copy too! We have awareness here ... but we are a pirate copy of our true consciousness. That is the conclusion I've reached and I wonder now if our true consciousness is a separate consciousness to the globule of its whole here? Is that the separation that the Atlanteans were refering to? Is that the separateness between the higher and lower aeons referred to in Gnostic teachings?

I wonder ....