Further Reading

Monday 25 June 2018

A Warning About The Sidhe #2

They are master illusionists and manipulators. Accomplished artistes of mind control. They control exactly how you will see them. Their glamours are almost impossible to penetrate for such is their timeless knack of letting their victim see what they most desire.

Down through the ages of man so many have been lost to 'the siren's call' and other similar seductions. Working on the human mind, reading from stray thoughts what a person desires, what a person wants ... working then on those vibrations to create a glamour their victim will believe they see.

A warning to the lesser, and the inexperienced psychics, who have yet to control the stray vibrations of their uncontrolled ego. The Sidhe find so many of you such easy prey. It is so easy for them to read your jealousy and your desire. Thus so many 'guides' and 'ascended masters' and 'members of spirit' you think you sense and see ... are lesser Sidhe in disguise. Misleading you, misguiding you ... waiting for you to make a fatal choice. Once you let them in to your minds ....

Be warned The Sidhe are not benevolent to mankind, no matter what misguided teachings say. A valuable lesson they can offer for those who are stronger in mind than those they send. Fearlessness must always be the demeanour of they who battle with The Sidhe. For like any other predator, they feed off fear ....

Take it from the one who writes this warning ... The Sidhe are a very dangerous enemy.