Further Reading

Friday 15 June 2018

How YOU Can Undermine the ‘Evil Cabal’

Waking Times: Over the years, the description of the tyrants and psychopaths that so often occupy positions of power in our world has evolved, and today it is fashionable to refer to this nebulous group by using the term ‘Evil Cabal.’

Language is perhaps the most important device we have for creating reality, and just as George Orwell knew, the more linguistically vague, simplistic, ambiguous and nondescript the language, the more room there is to shape perception.

This is called Newspeak, and in the case of the ‘Evil Cabal,’ the term fails to fully describe our complex world, but succeeds tremendously in maintaining the prison of fear that actually inhibits freedom.

In a catch-all phrase like ‘Evil Cabal,’ there really is little substance in the language to inspire meaningful action or reaction. In fact, the opposite is true. By generalizing the widespread depravity in the world with such a vague yet loaded term, the result can only be fear and inaction.

But, just for rhetorical purposes, let’s suppose for a moment that the world’s troubles can indeed be wholly attributed to a singular, top-down, all-knowing, all-controlling evil cabal that has its wicked tentacles inserted into every facet of our lives. Let’s imagine that every bit of the injustice and calamity we see is intentionally orchestrated and narrated by an untouchable group of all-mighty criminals.

If this is in fact the case, one very serious question emerges: What exactly are YOU going to do about it?...read more>>>...