Further Reading

Monday, 11 June 2018

The Quantum Universe is in the Elementary Particle

Waking Times: As scientists struggle to describe a mechanism that organizes the cosmological order, they have come up with several hypotheses. Among the most recent of these is the cosmological inflationary paradigm. Alan Guth first postulated that the Universe was growing larger in 1981, and many of his peers have supported his assumptions, namely, that early in the formation of our Universe, density perturbations produced larger scale structures like planets, stars, and even black holes, that we can observe today.

What is most fascinating to observe, however, is how mainstream science is catching up to the predictions of rogue physicist Nassim Haramein, who has specifically described how an entire Universe is within a single atom. In a talk about his theories, Haramein details how the energy of an enormous black hole is present within a single elementary particle....read more>>>...