Further Reading

Friday 31 August 2018

How Do We Really Know?

Technology On Mars (And it ain't ours)
Here's where we're at. This world is one where we, the goyim, know nothing for sure. Period.

We can only assume everything that lies outside of what we are TOLD to perceive. Or we are TOLD is fact. What are TOLD is truthful.

Everything in this construct world is decided for us; created for us; and made up for us. Nothing is the truth. We are sold myths and blatant lies each and every day.

Yes, apparently they've now discovered where Jesus turned the water into wine. Really? What, have they found the bottles that the water was in and the wine suddenly filled? How bizarre. But people are so 'fake perception driven' they believe whatever they are told ... its totally unbelievable.

The construct world and its deceiving sound frequencies has them, and its unlikely that many will escape its clutches. And that's despite the definite opening up of awareness and the truth frequencies that are vibrating around this virtual world. The problem is that there is no alternative to the society structure we are currently in; plus no sign on the outside of anything changing. Things are only growing worse. And we really don't know if anything is true.

Even the outside forces that have inexplicably come into my life from time to time; making strange things happen; might not be real. They might not be the truth. It may all be part and parcel of the deception. Or another part of the deception. I really want to believe. But is what I'm believing anything different to what everyone else believes? I dismiss angels, spiritual guides and ascended masters as being delusions. But is what I see anything more truthful?

Like I say we The Goyim are the last to know; and the first to be deceived and misled. It really is a difficult situation we find ourselves in. And there is no easy solution.