Further Reading

Tuesday 21 August 2018

'Shaman In Disguise'

In times of energetic stillness, and recuperation, it is a great opportunity to get involved in the mundane earth plane, and be part of the virtual reality myth. This means playing along as the soul face ... the avatar character that everyone sees you as; that only the limited few understand to not be your true identity.

It's great to get taken away on that mythical wave, and distance yourself from the spiritual responsibilities of the last decade or more. To be able to let your emotional body balance out, and the strengthening of awareness commence again.

But then there is sadness, as the human part receives the insights and awareness of its own life from the higher levels of its awareness. Because this is not focused on the paths of others, it invariably will turn itself onto your own path. More often than not, you will receive a sense of your own mortality, and 'how long you have left on the earth plane' ... this can be a painful experience if you are not prepared for the insights that are revealed to you.

For those around you, who are oblivious to your other life purpose, you may well appear a little eccentric or strange, but they will not be at all aware of your status of a 'Shaman In Disguise'; unless of course they are one too. But that is highly unlikely, because fate will have cast you into a role, or assignment, as the lone operative. There will not be 'a another' who will be able to recognise you.

After all the highs and the lows during the last decade, or so, this assignment is likely to feel a bit 'empty'. This is as is meant to be ... for the time being ... until the next chapter in the awakened pathway returns....