Further Reading

Thursday 30 August 2018

The Arrival Of The Human Machines

A settlement on Mars
Just about everything, and anything, relating to life; space; the earth, is a lie. Its told in such a way that it conceals what is really going on around us with some half truths.

We struggle on through our 'existence' here on the earth plane, as little more than slaves.; so few of us question that which is mapped out for us. Too many of us are trapped in the 'work to pay the bills life'. We are stressed out to the eye balls and there is no way out in sight.

We live in a techno world, now. Trapped with our obsession for mobile phones that do everything except make phone calls; we are hooked on social media and stupid reality TV programs. All the while these are distractions that keep us away from the world outside our doors.

There was once a time before the internet and 2G, 3G, 4G etc when we would be slightly more aware of the sky above us, and the ground below us. We'd take in natural light and get the breathe the air outside. Now neither of these things are hardly a consideration. We are not even concerned, on the whole where this is leading; providing the internet is there where ever we are and we want it faster, faster. Why?

How did we get on this carousel? Who's blind sided us that we have to be on the internet wherever we go? Has anyone not thought where this is all going? What is happening to our sound vibration magnetic bodies? How all the WIFI is impacting on our body frequencies? We hear of all the increased cancers; and fall for all the health fads and food warnings ... and don't realise the ruse that is happening.

We are told to stay out of the sun; we are having our cholesterol lowered when it doesn't need to be! That's another of the lies. We need the cholesterol for the Vitamins that help absorb the essential light from the sun! Without the light forms from the sun our DNA's crystal structure begins to fall apart and creates dis-ease in our bodies. Its all a spin and a deception. It all is.

We need to take a good look at everything we are told and hold off the perceptions that are bombarding us. Everything here is sound vibration and sound frequency. All you see around you is created by sound waves. There are ultra high frequency signals beyond our hearing range that are being absorbed by the body every day. These are responsible for all the issues we all are having with quality of life; and its only going to get worse.

The next generation of technology is going to be even worse; and those that are still around will be changed forever by the sound frequencies that are the next to come along ... its time to look around and realise .... in the UK the hedgerows that once were teeming with life; are albeit empty. Wrens, Sparrows, Starlings and other birds are now gone ... the skies are only filled with those that know how to survive ... everything is being killed off by these invasions ...

We need to switch off the TV's and the Computers and the Phones ... and start looking at our lives without those intruders. The modems and the smart meters need to have their plugs pulled out of the wall sockets ... so we can all start to think for ourselves again and not be extensions of the machine consciousness that is in the high frequency nets. We have become machines ... and its only going to get worse.

By the way did you notice the photograph? Its a settlement on Mars! There is more evidence of a humanoid colony on Mars ...