Further Reading

Friday 24 August 2018

The New Me (In Observation Mode)

There is a term that springs to mind to describe what I'm wanting to discuss here. It's called 'teaching your grandmother to suck eggs'. It happened today. Someone half my age telling me how to undertake cosmic ordering and creative visualisation.

I merely nodded and agreed when they pointed out their methodology. They were discussing it with another work colleague. It was all about having a positive outlook and not stressing about life and creating a vision board.

When it came to my opinion; my point of view; my methodology I was basically patronised and shot down in flames. I just smiled inwardly and omitted to tell the egocentric personality (That person again) that I'd been practising these methods for longer than they'd been on the earth plane! I merely let them bamboozle and overwhelm with their 'it is my way that works and nobody elses'. Oh the arrogance and naivety of youth!

It was interesting, however, to hear how someone has read 'The Secret' and has adopted those ideas. They DID agree, however, that ultimately you look at the outcome, and where you want to be, and don't worry about how you get there. When I mentioned 'leave it to the universe to sort it' ... the patronising voice began again.

I'm evolved enough these days (I wasn't at the same age they are) to listen and accept the opinion of others; and the ear bashing; and the 'your way is wrong' attitude; without taking offence or force my way on to another. That would make me as bad as them. No, its easier to just practise your own way in private and keep it to yourself. I've done the teaching and the mentoring. I've done the public debate and the arguments. I've had the black hexes thrown at me, and experienced the mud being slung at my expense!

These days I've arrived at a new destination where things are now just making themselves be known to me. I'm in observation mode and interested in what I see. I'm not going to judge the reflections in the mirror I currently see ... that's the old me. The new me likes to see what is going on in the world ... and is not going to readily reveal too much about itself. Not yet anyway.