Further Reading

Wednesday 29 August 2018

The Worm Will Turn For Sure!

A Built Structure On Mars
We the human goyim, at the bottom of the pile, can't know anything for sure. Everything we deduce; or surmise; or assume as fact; cannot be taken as 100% truth. Because we don't know. We can't know. Will never know. Are not meant to know.

We are the fodder for the fear machine; the cannon fodder for the elite to use as they see fit. Sadly.

The picture to the right is the first landmark on Mars that really caught my eye back in 2006. I'd ventured onto Google Mars and saw this round circle, much like you see now. I coped the image; and then played around with reversing the image, and changing a few things. You can say I was guided; either by a higher aspect of myself, or something else. Because I knew there was something really significant about the image. From what I see ... there is nothing at all NATURAL about the landmark. But it's like I said above, us at the bottom of the pile ain't meant to know.

We're conditioned to accept everything we are taught or told. We are poisoned so our innate universal abilities function at virtually zero. Our DNA has been BASTARDISED so the alien strands it has been developed from don't function correctly. We have been made into zombified lab animals for fucked up psychopathic creatures to control .... in our natural state with no tampering we'd walk rings round these crazies in the block.

Somehow, we have to disregard the perceptions; the lies; the control mechanisms these fuck wits have in place; and stand together to overcome them. They don't care about the zillions of pounds or dollars they have in their bank accounts; its only the power & control over us, that it brings, that they care about.

And, I don't doubt for one second, that they have the same kind of dominion over the human colony on Mars as well! It's a tried and tested method they will have to exert their one sided rule over stolen strands of DNA; forcing it to animate consciousness in a miniature version of itself. We must appear like ants to our true selves; we've been miniaturised that much.

When you gaze across the universe, and see beyond its calm, and unmoving seas, you should realise the CON TRICK being played here. This reality and its wonders are nothing like what they try and have us believe! We the human goyim, at the bottom of the pile, can't know anything for sure. Everything we deduce; or surmise; or assume as fact; cannot be taken as 100% truth. Because we don't know. We can't know. Will never know. Are not meant to know.

But one day we will ... and on that day the fuck wits will be discovered and the worm will turn for sure.