Further Reading

Thursday, 20 September 2018

A Night Out

Well, I've just got back from an evening spent being 'entertained' by four budding 'mediums' at our local Spiritualist Church; not something I've done for a very long time. It would have been back in 2009 in Canberra that I last sat in on such an occasion. Last time we'd been to this particular church was about 20 years ago.

So much has changed. You'll notice I put 'entertained'. The medium for the evening had been caught in bad traffic, so the lady in charge asked for volunteers to do the service. Normally I would have ventured to the front but I chose to remain anonymous this evening. All the way through the 'demonstrations' I was being pestered by connections; which is par for the course for me, so nothing is strange there. The strangeness was my absolute reluctance to attract any attention to myself; except at the end where I introduced myself to the lady in charge who suggested I attend the 'fledgling's development group' on a Wednesday evening. Funny that! I've not been in one of those since the 80's ... maybe I should; I might learn something new ... I'm not meaning to sound arrogant or egotistical by that statement; because going back to the first step and moving off from it again is sometimes a good thing.

However, in this instance, I was not impressed by the whole set up; aside from the third medium who stood up, who was actually good. The other three were a combination of cold readers, psychics and clairvoyants at best. They claimed spirit was giving messages. Don't think so. A departed mother won't come through to talk about a washing machine; if there is any inaccuracy or confusion at all with a message - it is not from spirit. It is usually psychic ability.

I was very disappointed with it all in truth. Very understanding of how my mentor was with her 'fledglings' and visiting mediums. A roll of the eye and a bit of steam from the ears. Pretty much described how I was feeling most of the night. Not impressed.