Further Reading

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Are You A Member Of The 'In Crowd'? If So, You Might Want To Read This

There is so much bullshit, confusion and misdirection in the 'New Age Movement' at the moment; and more than likely ever since it was concocted by A.I clones. It's supposed to be this way. It is just another deceptive 'brainwashing' technique to lead unsuspecting humans away from true perceptions; along corridors of contrived, and concocted, theories dreamed up by deviants and psychopaths.  Most of it is total hogwash, and is completely unproven.

It is all as unlikely as the stories in the Bible. Yet, sheep preach these concoctions; base their lives on them and are nothing more than puppets on the end of the A.I clones strings.

There are millions of web sites dedicated to all the wondrous subjects (We admit there are numerous New Age Belief items on here, but nowhere do we advocate them to be true; we just feature them as a reference library) ..... so many of the New Age doctrines are that far fetched; but they say the bigger the lie, the more they are believed.

Also, we've found that so much of the 'stuff' is worn around the minds of New Age Warriors like fashion accessories. Its really chic and hip to have these things; everyone else does, so to be a member of the 'In Crowd' so must I ... a conformity and acceptance mentality. Its no wonder that a high percentage of New Age Warriors have mental health problems; and are mentally unstable individuals seeking adoration; have psychopathic or narcissistic tendencies .... it seems to attract this sort of individual. That puts out a big message as to the core principle of the New Age Ideology, and what it is based on. Like attracts like, they say ... magnetic sound waveforms of similar frequency in sync ... so if it attracts nut jobs, then what does it say about its frequency?

It took a while for the penny to drop about the whole thing; back in around 2005 ... and this realisation has been on the back burner since. Having experienced it first hand .... the cuts; the bruises; the vitriol burns and the general spurning ... confirms that the New Age magnetic polarity and our own are not in sync. Hence the strong shift away from that bullshit.    

It's really best to take it all with a pinch of salt; not take on board the crazy notions, and consider there might be some truth in the doctrines, somewhere. But not believe what you read, or what the rolling eyed sheep try to force feed you. Figure it out for yourself ...