Further Reading

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Beware Of The 'Top Cats'

It might come as a surprising statement to some, but the very community that should be seen as the creators of positive thinking and spiritual love, is in truth a cesspool of bitter jealousy, angered rivalry and negative practices.

This is the 'psychic community' in certain corners of the world, where they brand fellow psychics who have more ability than them, with black hexes and unproven dirt. Some of the most devious and cruel charlatans exist in this cesspool.

To the general public they are seen as wonderful individuals with a fantastic 'love and light' branding. Behind closed doors, their true colours are nothing short of the embittered and toxic warmongers who will stop at nothing to be the 'top cat' in the psychic community.

It is effectively open warfare to some; genuine spiritual caring forgotten by them .... as all they care for is the adoration and popularity stakes that are seemingly there for the taking at 'psychic expos' where they strut around like divas and gurus. When in truth they are little more than fakes and racketeers out to make as much money as they can selling the lie. They are not psychic or mediumistic. It is just a label they use to take money from the naive and the vulnerable.