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Monday, 17 September 2018
Favourite's Collection #94
This Eastern Rosella photograph was taken on the McQuoid Hills in Canberra. There is more often than not a proliferation of parrots all over Canberra, including the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos, the Galahs, the Crimson Rosellas, the Little Corellas, the Grass Parrots and the Eastern Rosellas. Its a spectacular sight, and one solely missed now I'm back in the UK. Perhaps the most colourful are the Eastern Rosella.
I would often trek around the McQuoid Hills at first light just to catch a guaranteed sight of the Eastern Rosella amongst others. This particular image takes me back to those times, when numerous parrots would be awaiting the paparazzi on the wire fences on either side of the Kambah Pool Road.