Further Reading

Friday, 14 September 2018

Fearing The Worst

When life is going right, it is said we don't have a care in the world. We find ourselves lulled into a weekly routine, and it appears like life has become plain sailing.

That is, until that sudden and unexpected event. Let's say we suddenly become laid off from our new job. We're a few months in, the boss calls us into the meeting room, and finishes us on the spot. We find ourselves temporarily unemployed.

What was once a safe voyage through calm waters suddenly becomes a bid for survival in raging stormy seas. But not at first. The initial week or two we don't let that setback prevent us changing that weekly routine. We cut back on our shopping budget, and look towards the end of the month, and the large outlay, and try not to worry. We're covered for a month or two, and we're bound to have found something by then. It's happened before, and we always find things work out in the end.

But what happens if this time luck has run out? What if come the end of the month we're no closer getting back onto an even keel? Do we let our fears get the better of us by fearing the worse? Do we contact the bank to let them know we are going to struggle with repayments? Or do we hold tight and not let our fears overcome us?

This is a fact of life that so many people are now facing. And so many have ended up losing homes and lifestyle. It has become the norm these days. Somehow the human spirit permits us to adapt, even in these most dire of circumstances. How you cope is down to your own mental strategy. If it was me in this predicament, I would fear the worst and prepare for that scary possibility. I'd get a plan of action in place should the money run out, and the house is down for repossession. So if it does happen you are prepared. If it doesn't, then life is going to feel fantastic after the great escape. But, that's my way of dealing with things. Expect the worst, and when it doesn't happen .... you feel really grateful for the better outcome.

You have to resign yourself to the fact that whatever is going to happen; will happen. Fate will play its hand and you just hope it ends up in your favour!