Further Reading

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Few Humans Are Aware ....

This world is most certainly not what we are told it is.

We've already discussed the fact that the world is not 'physical' at all. It is a collective of sound waves and sound frequencies which give the appearance of being solid, and physical, when observed from within the sound frequencies.

It is an advanced illusion. It is prime real estate owned by factions largely unknown. It is ruled by rogue artificial intelligence that are in fact algorithms written into the software; a computer virus for want of a better phrase.

What humans are taught; conditioned into; forced to believe; leads them further and further away from the TRUTH. On the whole, the average human being is being programmed; charmed; enchanted into becoming nothing more than artificial intelligence themselves. They are nothing more than sound wave patterns dancing on the mystic sea. Their DNA resonating to the tune of their so called individual identities. Told by religions and metaphysics that they are the soul that occupies these physical bodies that wander this physical world. They are swayed into health regimes; food phobias and food obsessions; fashion trends; social media reliance; keeping up with all the things that Mrs & Mrs Norm do so they don't appear strange. In other words they are programmed to be this way.

Few actually think for themselves. For they react to the demands of the hive mind that is connected to their thoughts by way of the left brain implant. Their perceptions are being created for them by AI interference ... and so readily they accept their thoughts as being their own; by accepting their thoughts they are permitting those thoughts to create the limited freedom they have in their lives. They are giving their freedom away because they have been lobotomised chemically over time by Sodium Fluoride in their water; their bottled and canned drinks; their toothpaste. They are further lobotomised by sweeteners like Aspartame in their drinks and in their foods. They absorb more damaging disruptors in the toxic air they breathe and the poisoned foods they eat.

The average human thinks the life they lead is all there is. They fail to see the prison in which their minds reside. They are trapped and there is nowhere to hide. For the enemy is invisible but it is all around them. The enemy knows their thoughts because it creates their thoughts and spies on their every action. For everything they do is recorded in the cliched 'Akashic Record' ... the quantum computer hard drive in which the record of their DNA is housed. The quantum computer which their true self; their higher Aeon Spirit; is connected to. For it through the quantum computer that their true self observes the human servitor.

The true self only observes; it does not occupy. Yet it is made to think it occupies the physical body. Outside of the physical world ... a figment of the quantum computer's imagination ... this world and the universe cannot be seen ... for outside of the computer it does not exist.  So few within this sound wave word realise the con that is being played.

And, while the human DNA is stored within the hard drive ... and it functions within the pirate copy of what is the real world outside of the computer. For this earth plane is a copy of the real world. Up to a point. For reality in here has gone in a different direction to what exists on the real world. While the human DNA is stored, it is scanned ... and each and every permutation is studied by those who created the computer and made the pirate copy of the world. Certain DNA frequencies are sought; are required ... for there are patterns of DNA known to be resistant to the corruption and the enchantment. Those patterns of DNA are awake; and the physical manifestations of those patterns walk the virtual world; and the true selves that are connected, and observe the human forms of that DNA ... know that the 'time' is short. It is the darkness before the dawn ... and something significant is said to happen.... but what?