Further Reading

Monday 24 September 2018

Is This A 'Designer Life' As We Are Told?

New Age metaphysical teachings (And others.) have us believe that we have a choice in the life we incarnate into; or more accurately, that the Spirit observes. That is the gospel according to most of 'the lightworkers' that walk the earth. All the cloned sheep talk of it; and spread that doctrine using Chinese whispers.

But is it indeed the case? Do we really lead 'Designer Lives' ... how truthful and accurate is that belief, or is it just a myth?

How can it be the case when the Archonic DJ's are sending disruptive broadcasts into our consciousness that are brainstorming our perceptions, changing our thoughts, and making us lead lives that they want us to?

The rabbit hole is much deeper than that. On unseen levels, the Archonic Intelligence has been rewiring the entire existence in this fake universe. The very quantum computer that deals with this entire virtual reality has been compromised; its C.P.U over-run by a highly advanced virus. Within that computer are what the New Age Warriors call 'The Akashic Records'; not a myth; just a misconception that the Warriors don't fully understand. Everything that occurs in this godforsaken solar system is recorded on servers. Everything is gathered, collected, reviewed and tampered with.

Which means that the very theory of a 'designer life' is likely to be a myth invented by Archonic A.I which has been fed to some A.I Clones that appear human; that have spoon fed early Meta physicists ... encouraging them to add it to the doctrine of assumptions that the New Age Warriors would take on board like Sheep eating toxic grass!

Therefore, it becomes an accepted 'fact' that we get to choose the life we have; when the reality is likely to be another manipulated decision thrust on us by tampering with the perceptions and thought forms of consciousness prior to its reluctant recycling back onto this dimensional wavelength frequency; from other slightly higher frequencies. You see, it's likely that reincarnation (Or recycling as we prefer to call it) is also part of this deception too ...