Further Reading

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Positive Mental Attitude (P.M.A) Is The Victor's Tonic

Sun, sea and sand! Well not quite, but certainly a bracing walk along a historic pier, in a seaside town, breathing in the salt air. 

A healthy pursuit, as part of the cleansing & clearing process associated with the Soul Numerology Year 5. Especially after a smudging session, using White Sage & Lavender, the night before. White Sage to dispel anything -ve and Lavender to put back +ve in the space. The two processes together ... the cleansing of the sacred space and then the mind and body cleansing undertaken during the walk ... aid the survivor trapped at the end of the old chapter; awaiting the arrival of the new chapter.

And in all of it a P.M.A prevails. With laughter and fun; with memories of childhood days spent in the same town; with relaxed breathing ... it all goes to prove that magic can be found just about everywhere, and when you are in the right state of mind, magic is found. It is down to the perceptions that shape your thoughts, as we've said so many times before. 

P.M.A helps the survivor brace itself ready for the forthcoming storm; it can adapt, it can grit its teeth and get through; its what it specialises in. It is what it is trained for. It is what it teaches others to do in their own predicaments. So whatever lies ahead, whatever it must face, the survivor personality knows it will triumph as this time is no harder than any of the rest. This time round it will be met with smiling face and positive thoughts.

A positive mental attitude (P.M.A) does wonders for progress and growth; for health and well being; for seeing the wood for the trees; for making light of a bad situation. A P.M.A is the victor's tonic for it promotes self belief and self confidence. It makes the mind active and ready for the next move that has to be made. Like the foot poised on the accelerator awaiting the green light. Confidence will mean that success will prevail. A P.M.A is the means to step from out of the eye of the storm, right into the wall of the storm being able then to walk right through back onto calm seas with minimum fuss. A P.M.A is the best thing to always have. That coupled with mindfulness means the vices and the negative charges are kept at bay. And that was the order of the day, today.