Further Reading

Saturday 1 September 2018

Post #31001

31,001 is a lot of blogging. A dedication to A Light In The Darkness, through thick and thin since November 2006. That will be 12 years this November.

We endeavour to constantly cover everything we can that constitutes the flavour of A Light In The Darkness. It's not going to be to everyone's taste; we know that. But, we are very grateful for our diehard audience who've visited us consistently from near enough day one.

We've lost people along the way; and gained many new people as we continue to stick to our guns with the pattern of posts we currently have. We know this is still a work in progress; and always will be. It is trial and error ... but there is a consistency and a recognised pattern of posts; which have changed dramatically since day 1. Our choice of subject matter has narrowed considerably because in the 31,000 posts we've exhausted so much of the 'occult' themes and we can't repeat posts that are already there.

They are buried in chronological order but can be found by using either the long search bar at the top; by searching with keywords; or by looking through the categories listed in the Index along the right hand side of the page.

We somehow find the time and the energy each day to keep adding posts; and we intend doing this for the foreseeable future. Doubtless we'll reach other milestones ... it is averaging at around 220 posts per month since this page started. We know that quality is better than quantity and most months this year have exceeded that average ... it's just an interesting statistic to have. By the time I reach 60 (If I reach sixty) ... and the blog is still going ... we may have reached 50,000 posts (Or more) ... a scary thought. I'm just thinking about all the dedication, and energy it will take to keep it up for another 8 years ... the blog would be 20 years old.

Wonder where technology will be in 8 years. Wonder where mankind will be in 8 years. We may be computers by then; Its a scary thought with the deadly 5G having been unleashed on us by then. It is a scary time ... and an essential time to keep this bastion of effort going whilst we can. We wonder if censorship will finally find us ... and we might ended up being ghosted out of people's awareness. Meaning we might still post ... but nobody will be able to find us anymore. Recent Google algorithm changes have affected our viewing figures; we know that it is part and parcel of what is happening elsewhere on the net. We just hope that those totalitarian censor filters don't block us from you, our audience. If we suddenly appear to disappear from search engines ... please remember to remember our address .... https://mara-gamiel.blogspot.com/ ... so you can still find us.