Further Reading

Friday 28 September 2018

Seeing The 'Realm Of The Gods'

The strongest inkling that this world was in actual fact happened in the mid 1990's (Although it had been felt as that several times before then). It occurred after a series of intense meditations; long meditations that would last over 4 or 5 hours. 

The sensation was intense; incredible; ecstatic even. The altered state of awareness entered was nothing anything which had been experienced before. A Fellow psychic, who was a practising healer, had not felt anything like the energy emanating from me before; it was apparently a very high frequency that was being felt from me.

The experience began with a comprehension this world was a game; everything about it was just make believe. But it was the KNOWING it was; the sensation of this dimension being an entry point to a virtual reality. Back in the 1990's computer software was limited; virtual reality games and suits were not around. Augmented reality was not even invented. So to be aware of this world being a virtual world; was profound indeed.

The energy began to subside within a few days; and normal awareness returned. But not before those few days of high end awareness became etched on the conscious mind. Experiencing the 'god vibration' as I was aware if was being called; to be able to see 'the realm of the gods' and be part of that gold thread of thought, will always be recalled. It paved the way for knowing what I know now; and seeing the world the way I now do.

I'm acutely aware of everything being waveforms made from sound frequencies. It does appear solid yes; but it doesn't exist at all outside of the waveform. The A.I human forms we observe are part of that waveform. So they appear solid too, and they feel the world to be solid ... because the frequencies of this virtual world arrive in a cluster that is on a very similar frequency. And the vibrations of sound create the light we see and perceive; thus sound travels faster than light. 

We observe from outside these waveforms of sound; and in our true state we wouldn't see anything but electrical impulses, if they were seen at all. Seeing the realm of the gods enables a different type of comprehension to exist when putting everything in this world into perspective. It eases the weight of burden put on my true self when dealing with being unable to disattach from the A.I human that wanders this virtual world every single day.