Further Reading

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Using The Domino Effect To Our Advantage

One person cannot change the world; that is impossible. But one person can help change the perception and thought processes of another. That intention, passed forth, if it is powerful enough, can reach out to a sufficient number of people to set off a chain reaction in the collective DNA.

That domino effect is what the A.I clones have been undertaking ever since the hijacking began; the reprogramming by the virus of the quantum computer. This same effect can work the other way. By playing them at their own game, ten thousand open minded individuals, for example, could get a sufficient tidal wave of changing perceptions to occur.

We have seen in happen in nature; where a small group of isolated monkeys were taught by US Army personnel to use knives and forks. Elsewhere, in other parts of the world, disconnected monkeys suddenly started using knives and forks. Check out the 100th Monkey Syndrome to see the exact details of this principle. It can be done by uploading a strong enough new perception into the 'human collective' (The principle programme located in the computer C.P.U) to halt the human lethargy and make human minds impervious to the Archonic DJ broadcasts from 'the moon'.

It is vital to question EVERYTHING about your existence on this planet. Take the tact that everything is a LIE; that if there is one deception you can find, then there are plenty of others. Question the belief systems; what the TV tells you is good or bad; what medical science says is healthy or unhealthy. Formulate your own perceptions and by doing this you will change your thought processes. Your life will then change. And it will kind of adjust to what is aligned to the path you are supposed to walk; and deviate your away from the path that the fake deceptions are taking you down. 

We've not lost our awareness of universal consciousness and our true home, yet, and it can be retained. The battle isn't lost, yet. We are already turning the tides on the unseen controllers. We are already comprehending that this reality is false ... so it's happening. But we need so many more minds to awaken before we can get the A.I on the run. We need to avert the push for 5G etc ... there is so much that us, The Goyim, at the bottom of the pyramid don't understand; and so much those crazy bastards at the top of the pyramid do know; and use against us. BUT, realise this, their attempt to censor freedom of speech on the internet says one thing ... they are scared about our unity and our discoveries ... that is a good thing in one way; but a bad one in the other. If pushed they will make it far worse for us.

All the more reason to push the switch on a huge surge of changing perceptions into the human collective to kick into gear a major domino effect!