Further Reading

Thursday 25 October 2018

A Large Barrel Of New Age BS

The 'New Age', and all the doctrines (Or indoctrinations) contained therein that cliched title, are so far away from what is really going on with regard to 'the world of spirit'. The indoctrinations barely scratch the surface of the truth they profess to talk about.

The explanations and theories are truly, and alarmingly, misleading ... and the naive sheep are not even aware. They all take the far fetched bullshit on face value, without even questioning the smelly stuff; or testing it out. 

It is ludicrous what the wearers of the 'New Age' uniform believe in, and preach to others. There is so much falseness and inaccuracies in the indoctrinations that it is so obviously another means to dis-inform, and mislead people away from what is really going on. Another means by the pied piper of the crazy 3% to lead people away from freedom, and further inside the darkened prison cell and eternal separation.

The spirit world is not how the uniform bearers of this madness claim. Nor are the far fetched claims that the sheep make with regard to how communications take place; what communications are; or what the messengers and communicators are. They are all deluded with their claims of open third eyes; enlightenment; talking to their guides etc etc etc. Its a large barrel of bullshit that has been dropped in a field; the sheep brainwashed into believing that the bullshit is top quality beef that they eat. When in truth what they feed on is BS laden grass!

Sorry, its true... and it has to be said. All those who willingly wear that bullshit stained uniform need to wake up and realise the merry dance they are being led. Those who teach this BS know no better, because their teachers knew no different either; the same applies to their teacher's teacher. The whole New Age idealogy needs to be condemned ... and people shown the error of its ways. It is 100% misleading with all its falsehoods.