Further Reading

Thursday 25 October 2018

Never Shall The Twain Meet

There are those who 'ride the waves' main stream; putting themselves at the centre of focus and bringing attention and publicity to themselves. They bear glossy titles; make extravagant claims; have expensive merchandise; an interactive website and an extensive presence on social media.

They make a point of being at the so called 'forefront of it all' and seemingly dazzle the general public with their glamours and their egocentric presence.

Then there are those who work from within the shadows; who withdraw from the so called 'centre stage' and ride the waves in their own way. Innocuous and seemingly forgotten. No attention is drawn to the work they do; nor do they announce where they are; what they are and what they are up to. They have no need. They are purveyors of their arts and they don't need any acknowledgement for that. They choose to be ... and have no need for adoration or approval or whatever else those who are at the centre of focus need from that stance. 

Their work goes on without criticism or distraction. Simply because those that once opposed them no longer can determine what they are doing; and neither can the copycats replicate what they are doing. They are at peace in their own space, as who they are, without the jealous or the envious conspiring against them.

Never shall the twain meet ... for the energies of both polarities are in separate realities. Both co-exist on this earth plane. But their paths are now mutually exclusive. Those of 'the glossy titles' cast onto avenues where 'the willingly hidden' will never venture. And vice versa. Both catering for different types of 'souls'.